Sunday, September 14, 2014

There Goes the Neighborhood

When the very first explorers came to America, the native people seemed to be hospitable towards them and had a great deal of respect for the explorers. The Native American’s not been in contact with any outsiders and may have thought the explorers were gods. As it seems, the Native American’s and explorers were on good terms with each other, were negotiable, created treaties and there wasn’t too much conflict between the groups. Eventually as more settlers and explorers came to America and as more treaties were broken, conflict arose. As these inhabitants came, many viewed the native peoples as savages because of their different cultures and ways of living. The explorers thought they were better than the natives and wanted to push them out so they could live where they wanted to and take over this newly found country. The Native American’s, as you can imagine, were not very happy about this at all. They had been living in these areas for thousands of years before these explores came and wanted to take the land as if it was rightfully theirs. Whenever there are two groups coming together, there is almost always conflict, whether it’s about religion, lifestyle, or even the way someone dresses. As long as there’s a new concept or idea, there will be someone to go against it. This type of thing is still relevant in modern times. Take the topic of gay rights for example, conflict is created due different viewpoints and religious perspectives.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you! People are always gonna have problems with each other and they will never be fair with all. As long as people keep being different, people are always gonna have problems with them. It stinks, but that's how things are. It was like that all the way back then, and it's still like that now.
