Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

It seems Ernest Hemmingway had a pretty eventful life, and a pretty difficult one at that. I feel that his experiences in war and his upbringing took a toll on him from early on in life.  In my opinion, from watching the documentary he seems sort of corrupt. I understand that he suffered from some mental issues, it just seemed he could have handled things differently. In the documentary, when his children spoke, I felt bad for them; they didn’t get the father figure they deserved. Hemmingway’s elusive relationships with women had something to do with it. He managed to have four different wives over the course of his lifetime, not to mention the women on the side. It seems he wasn’t able to put what mattered most first. His writing was always put above everything else, including his family. I wish that he could have had other ways of dealing with his problems, besides drinking or finding other women. He could have tried harder to make things work out with his relationships. Something that could have spawned this way of life could be the influence of super masculinity from when he was younger. It seems that he was insecure about his masculinity from early on because of his upbringing. This influenced his way of writing and possibly relations with others. It was said that he might not have been the best father because he set his standards to high and always expected the most from people. He felt he had a certain reputation to always uphold; this led to him not living the most moral life.


  1. I agree with everything that you wrote! I think that a lot of Hemingway's early life influenced him so maybe he is not completely to blame for being kind of a bad person, but he definitely could have handled things better.

  2. I agree ^_^ Hemingway was a total jerk at times. But others, he could be very kind and even go out of his way to make his wife happy and such. But yeah, his life had many ups and downs. He lived the celebrity lifestyle but also had many underlying issues. Oh and you have a cool name :) I'm really random

  3. I felt the same way when I was watching the documentary. I was constantly changing my opinion/view on him because although he had problems he did some pretty jerky and sketchy stuff.
