Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful for Classmates

I really love our fifth period English class. I’m thankful we have such a great group of kids in our class. I am especially thankful for Yaira and Sylvia. Also quick shout out to Veronica Ortiz and Maday as well, you guys are awesome!
I’m thankful for Yaira J. She’s a really fun person to talk to and have random conversations with. Yaira’s the best, we always manage to make each other laugh and I hope she doesn’t get too annoyed by me. She’s also really nice and I’m happy we’ve gotten to be better friends since last year when we met in bio class. Hope you have an amazingly awesome Thanksgiving!
I am quite thankful for Sylvia as well. She’s pretty, pretty cool. We have bonded a lot this year I think. Biology was the best with Sylvia and all our other friends last year, it was so fun and we made jokes about everything. I admire Sylvia’s ability to keep her head high in times of trouble. I love talking to Sylvia during lunch sometimes when we have yummy coffee and hot chocolate. I like the fact that I can talk to you about lots of different stuff and we’ve gotten closer because of it. Sylvia is incredibly sweet and she manages to perk me up when I’m ever feeling down. Have fun tomorrow Sylvia, eat lots and lots of delicious food!

Love you guys! Everyone have a good Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. THANKS! YOU ARE THE BEST TOO!!!! I extremely glad that we have become great friends over time and I am glad to sit next to you in English class! And don't worry, I will never get too annoyed with you. ;)
