Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Principle to Keep

Carpe diem. Seize the day because today is all you have. It’s really important not to get hung up on the past or future too much. Don’t sweat the small stuff and accomplish what you can do today. You should make everyday count, it can be difficult, but if you don’t live everyday to the fullest (within reason) you’re not really living. If you don’t take risks once in a while, you could miss out on the best moments in life. Make life extraordinary. Even if you do something out of the ordinary once in a while, it will make things better. Take a leap of faith, try something new, take chances and live a life worth living.

“Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” –Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. This quote says how one should live in the now. If you do this, you can live the most efficient and enjoyable life you can. This is the epitome of the phrase carpe diem, if you “live in the now” you are successfully seizing the day.


  1. Your argument is somewhat similar to mine! I agree with your statements. You shouldn't dwell too much on the past or the future, but rather focus on today. I like how you wrote that we shouldn't be afraid to take risks every once in a while, because if we never do then we could miss out on something. I also agree with the fact that you said that people shouldn't be afraid to try something new. I think sometimes people get too caught up in worrying about things they can't change instead of focusing on the moment they are in right now. They don't think about the things that they can change and take initiative on. Also, some people are afraid to take a chance or try something new. It's good to take a chance sometimes or be more open-minded on certain subjects.

  2. Often, everyone is caught up in what is so awful in their lives. They wallow in self pity and aren't productive in positive ways because they think nothing matters. Carpe Diem is something to always keep in mind, which you write very nicely. Sometimes, poeple just need to say "screw it" and do what they enjoy. Well done.

  3. I agree with your statement, it is important to live life to the fullest. I wish it were that easy to not get hung up on the past or the future. However it is important to not forget the past completely, there are many great things to learn from the past, such as learning new things, you don't want to forget things you learn or good memories. But living each day as it happens is good, it will help people focus on that particular day and to try to achieve the most they can. I think that people should try to live this way more often, just doing something spontaneous can be really fun and people who spend all their time thinking about the past or the future won't get the chance to experience each day to the fullest

  4. I agree with your principle 100%, I actually wrote something similar on my blog. My principle is to do your best no matter the situation. You only have have one life so put the most that you can into surviving when it comes to living in a world similar to that of "The Road", or even in everyday activities such as sports or school. Seizing the day can mean the difference between life and death for the boy and his father so giving even a little bit more can make that much of a difference. I feel like they are giving all that they have but they are running out of supplies, food and resources. They are becoming thin and exhausted, so their hope and will to live is slowly fading. But they don't give up. Good blog entry!1

  5. I really enjoy this post because this is a principle that my life is based upon. I always think of life as a temporary thing, and after it, there is nothing. This is my personal belief, but it helps me get through everyday. Once you start to think about how lucky you are to be where you are, how so many small different things had to have happened for you to even be a thought, it puts your troubles in a different perspective. Everyday is a day to cherish, and the future is not a concern, although at some points in life it should be. I agree with you 100%.
